Three ACE Excuses To Buy Wrecker Parts For Your Hot Rod Build

Posted on: 26 December 2018

With the lazy, hazy days of summer now here in Australia, this is the perfect time to get on with those hobbies there is never any time for during the rest of the year. As a person who is currently focusing on building their first hot rod, you are probably hoping to get all the parts you need collected and ready for the build to commence. Rookie hot rod builders like yourself are on a steep learning curve of how to build the ultimate car based on the budget you have. [Read More]

How to Enjoy the Benefits of Buying a "New" Used Car

Posted on: 7 November 2018

Although an increasing number of people are opting to move towards the centre of the city as they find their home, most Australians still live in sprawling suburbia and find that they cannot do without their own form of transportation on a daily basis. While public transportation may be reasonable in most places, it's still not enough if you have to "pop" to the shops to get some last-minute supplies or get to work if you're on the late shift. [Read More]